AHS Saves the Wedding Day
The big day for a wedding in Stratford Tony, Salisbury was looming with much excitement and anticipation, so time for one more check through the list:
- Invitations – Sent.
- Catering – Ready.
- House – Clean and tidy.
- Lawn – Cut.
- Gardening – Done . . . do we need more balloons and flowers?
But suddenly there’s a BIG problem. No one had checked the swimming pool and it was COLD!
With only a few days before the wedding and guests looking forward to a refreshing swim in the pool, you can imagine the distress. A quick call to Alexandra Heating Services, and shortly afterwards with an engineer visit, he had diagnosed the problem. All options were considered, but the conclusion was the swimming pool boiler couldn’t be fixed. The bad news had to be delivered that the swimming pool boiler needed to be replaced.
The Techy bit:
Alexandra Heating Services has designed a swimming pool solution based on the award winning and which best buy Viessmann condensing boiler technology, coupled to a heat exchanger with titanium internals and a Poolsmart plus controller. Designed to run more efficiently (Viessmann boilers can run up 98% efficiency) and with excellent durability and longevity (thanks to Viessmanns’ German engineering and the titanium rods within the pool heat exchanger). Our customer decided to have the AHS solution installed over and above the normal contenders, such as Certikin.
After a concentrated effort by AHS, our heating engineers had the Viessmann swimming pool installation up and running. With a day to spare before the ceremony. The wedding went smoothly and even the sun shone – a happy ending all round.
Our delighted customer, based in Stratford Tony, Salisbury, Wiltshire, kindly sent us a picture of wedding guests enjoying the pool.
To quote our lovely customer: “It is too early to tell if the running costs have reduced, but I’d be very surprised if they haven’t. The water certainly heats up a lot faster, which is a considerable advantage.”
If you interested in learning more about our swimming pool solution, please contact us.